The way things are written holds significance, is the case a key to the case?


Is the case the key to the case? 

Did you know that aside from words and [w]ords being extremely significant, the way in which the words are written is also very important. 

If your name in ALL CAPS with operation signs on each side = an entity, corporation, then what does your name in Upper and lowercase equal? 

As I have pointed out before, your parents did not name you 

Operation sign *


Operation sign *

But that is clearly what your legal birth certificate reads> 

Here is a website that you can play around and better understand case.

Description: Case Converter is a free online tool to easily convert text to lowercase, uppercase, title case, capital case or sentence case.

Here is an explanation of all the different modes the tool supports:

  • Sentence Case: Makes everything lowercase except the first character and "I".
  • Title Case: Capitalize the first character of each word except common stop words like 'and', 'at' etc
  • Capital Case: Capitalize the first character of each word.
  • Lower Case: Lower Case everything inside the string.
  • Upper Case: Upper Case everything inside the string.
