Are You Whole If You Are Bound by A Contract? Bound by a Trust? How Do They * THEY *Define Trust

 Who are you? 

Let’s go to the Word of God, The Holy Bible. 

Who, are, are, you? 

The book of  Peter holds a verse that has all three words in one verse. 1 Peter 2:9 says in the King James Version as you can clearly read from the image above:

- you are a chosen generation (another word for generation is era, which interestingly is just the word “are” spelled backwards. 

- You are a royal priesthood

-  You are an holy nation (you must understand the meaning of an in those days carried a different meaning. The meaning has been changed over time, so if you do not know the “original meaning” you will never be unbound by the chains that the enemy keeps you in. Your trust account should only be held by someone who has your true best interest at heart. 

- A peculiar people, let me go look this up in legal terms, be back shortly… Ok, I’m back.

 Old Mr. Miriam Webster says…

peculium is where the word peculiar stems from. 

I can not believe that in creating this post, God literally just gave me the solution to the question I have been researching for weeks. I will share this with you soon. Back to the blog post. 

The next part of the verse isn’t a descriptive word. It is a statement of what His children should do. 
Ye, meaning you, me, we, us… all the children of the Lord, should ‘shew fourth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:

I have to go now, but I will return soon with how this applies to my bondage, and I pray what the Lord reveals to me, he will allow all his Children to uncover in the time that he chooses for them to discover it. 

Your sister in Christ, 

TBD Blogger
